Administrators on Enterprise Platform may manage all users globally from the network level. Administrators may add, delete, or edit users, and reassign their content to other authors.
Available On: Enterprise
Before you start
- You'll need a user account with an Administrator role on your network level.
- Log in to the network level of your Enterprise install, then navigate to Users > Network User Management.
Add a new user
- On the Network User Management screen, click Add User.
- Enter the user information, select a role, the blogs you’d like them to access, and subscribe them to any LexBlog Network Channels. Note:
- All fields are required.
- Usernames cannot contain spaces or special characters.
- You cannot add a user that has the same username and/or email as an existing user.
- You may generate a user password, or the user may reset their own password.
- Click Create.
Edit a user
- On the Network User Management screen, click a user to edit.
- Edit their first name, last name, email address, display name, website URL, LexBlog Network Channels subscriptions, password, or select which blogs the user should access. Note:
- If you remove an author from a site, by default the user’s posts will remain attributed to that user on the blog. The author will no longer have access to the site nor will they be listed in the site's user list.
- If you add an existing user to a new blog or multiple blogs, their role will be the same as the highest role they currently have on any blogs.
- Click Update.
Delete a user
- On the Network User Management page, hover your mouse over a username.
- Click an option:
- Deactivate: Immediately deletes the user, but keeps content attributed to them. Note: you will not be asked to confirm this action.
- Reassign/Delete: Takes you to a new screen where you are prompted to delete the user’s content or re-attribute it to another author. Click Confirm Deletion.