While we regret when any customer cancels their LexBlog subscription, we appreciate your business and want to make the process as easy as possible. As we process the cancellation, we can allow Administrators to download your blog exports and a list of your email subscribers, and LexBlog can transfer the domain and Google Analytics accounts upon request. This article explains the process to cancel a site.
We cannot send export files for accounts with an outstanding balance. After you notify us of the cancellation, we will tell you if your account has a balance.
We require you to verify your support PIN for a cancellation request.
Send a cancellation notice
To cancel a site, submit a new request with your support PIN.
Cancellation timeline
We require 30 days notice (before the beginning of the month) to reconcile any outstanding account balances and prepare for the takedown of your site.
After we confirm your cancellation notice, we will turn on exports for blog Administrators to download your site's content exports. Your site will be taken offline on the last day of that month.
For example:
- Cancellation notice is given for October 1st on September 25th.
- The site is taken offline on October 31st.
Content export
For sites on our WordPress platforms, LexBlog will open the site content export feature for Administrators: Download your cancellation exports
Your WordPress site exports include:
- A WordPress WXR file containing all posts, pages, and metadata.
- A zip file of your media library assets.
- Site Administrators or Editors can download a CSV file of your email subscribers: View and download your email subscriber list
For legacy Moveable Type blogs, we will send you an export near the 15th day of the month.
Your Moveable Type blog exports include:
- A TXT file containing all posts and metadata.
Upon written request, we will:
- Send a PNG screenshot of your homepage.
- Transfer the Google Analytics property to your Google Account. After you have created your Google Analytics account, add lexblog.support@lexblog.com at the account level with Manage User and Edit permissions.
- Transfer Feedburner data to your Google account. Your RSS feed address will change, and RSS subscribers will be lost unless you ask them to subscribe to another feed.
Note: Google no longer updates or provides support for Feedburner. Account transfers may not always work.
Note: Mint statistics is no longer supported and we cannot transfer data from that service.
Domain transfers
Upon your request, we will transfer any domain we registered on your behalf to your registrar of choice. See our domain transfers article.