If you practice law in a competitive market, you may find that your content doesn't rank well with some keyword searches. Focusing on niche topics, or long tail keywords, may help you reach the right audience as opposed to a larger audience.
Strategies like focusing on long tail keywords can be an important part of your site's success. But you should focus on creating quality posts that your readers will read and share with others who will seek your expertise and services. The LexBlog approach to blogging focuses on creating meaningful relationships between you, your audience, and online influencers.
Understanding long tail keywords
Long tail keywords are more specific than other keywords. It may be easier to rank for long tail keywords over more general keywords. Yoast has an excellent resource on understanding long tail keywords.
Researching long tail keywords
Use these tools to research and select good keywords for your site:
Using long tail keywords in posts
You should not use the same focus keyword more than once.
After selecting a long tail keyword for your post, set it as the focus keyword with the Yoast SEO tool.