The Users Profiles widget displays a user's name, photo, and some profile information. This widget is typically used in a blog sidebar. Users with an Administrator role can edit the widget by clicking Appearance > Customizer.
Available On: Premiere and Website plans
User Profiles widget fields
Text that will display above the user list. This is optional.
Include Users
Select specific users to display.
Exclude Users
Select specific authors to exclude from displaying.
Exclude Users Without Published Content
Check the box if you want only published users to appear in the widget.
Select User Order
Select how users are sorted:
- User Profile Display Order: Displays users according to the Display Order field in the user's profile. A Display Order value of 1 will appear above a value of 2.
- Alphabetical by Last Name: Sort by the user last name.
Select Users per Row
Select how many users will display in a single row.
Select Users Photo Size
Display a full size or thumbnail user photo.
Select User Photo Alignment
Display the user photo above, to the right, or to the left of the user's profile information.
Select Display Name Link URL
Choose where a user's name links to:
- User Profile Page: A page listing the author's bio and published posts.
- Website field from Profile: The website URL entered in the user's profile.
Open Linked Display Name in a New Tab
Select whether clicking link in the user's name opens in the current or new browser tab.
Show checkboxes
Select which fields from the user profile display.